Council of Europe Delays Action on Protecting Sx Workers’ Rights


On October 3rd, during the vote by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the resolution to protect the human rights of sx workers, the process took some dramatic turns. What began as a promising initiative was disrupted by a strong anti-rights lobby. For a moment, the resolution risked becoming a tool of stigma, with multiple harmful amendments introduced.

Fortunately, the majority of these amendments were voted down. However, the Assembly ultimately voted to send the resolution back to the Committee for further review, delaying the process for six months. A new rapporteur will be elected. ESWA will be closely monitoring the process and doing everything in our power to ensure sx workers' voices are heard.

ESWA would like to thank all who listened to sx workers and  worked hard to put this resolution on the agenda of the PACE. 

We hope that the report continues on its current course, and that the new rapporteur and the Council of Europe will fulfil their duty to truly protect human rights, rather than giving in to discriminatory propaganda.

Regardless of the outcome, ESWA and other human rights and sx worker-led organisations will be steadfast in our message: sx work is work, and sx workers can speak for themselves—loudly and as long as it takes, until those in power listen.



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