Are you a trans sex worker and activist in Europe? Interested in meeting new colleagues and developing your knowledge on sex workers’ rights and HIV advocacy? This training is for you!
[Español] [Português]
Between the 11 and 13 of May, in Porto, Portugal, ESWA is coordinating its first trans* sex workers capacity-building training!
Over three days, 15 trans sex workers will come together to learn new skills, meet new activists and strengthen their capacities to fight for their rights. The focus of the training is on HIV advocacy and sex workers’ rights and will include different sessions delivered by experts on issues relating to sex work, HIV and trans communities needs.
Some of the topics of the training will be:
- Sex work and legal frameworks
- HIV advocacy
- Access and barriers to Prep
- Trans sex workers’ needs
- Mental health
- Chemsex and other topics
- Role of peer workers
What is covered?
ESWA covers travel, accommodation and food during the training.
Who can apply?
The training sessions are open to all sex workers who identify as trans and are based in Europe and Central Asia.
Please note ESWA is also organising a training for male sex workers the following week in Porto. Trans masculine sex workers are welcome to choose which training they wish to apply to or apply to both.
ESWA understands identities and social categories are fluid and can overlap. If you have any questions about this, please email: [email protected]
Sex worker members of an ESWA member organisation will be given priority as it is part of ESWA’s strategic plan to build capacities of sex worker organisations.
Please check here to see if your organisation is a member of ESWA. You can apply to become a member here.
When applying to join the training, you can offer to facilitate a session on a topic of your choice (related to the focus of the training). If selected and within the scope of the training, ESWA can support you in delivering the session to the other participants.
How can I apply?
To apply to the trans sex workers training please fill in this form.
The deadline to apply is Friday 31st of March 23:59 CET.
Participants will be contacted in the first week of April to know whether they have been selected or not.
If you apply and need a letter of invitation for your visa, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please email: [email protected]
A ESWA está entusiasmada por lançar a chamada para a nossa primeira formação exclusiva para profissionais do sexo trans!
A formação, com foco no VIH, defesa e capacitação terá lugar no Porto entre 11 e 13 de maio (chegada dia 10 - partida dia 13 ou 14).
Por favor, tenha em conta que decorrerá na semana seguinte, também no Porto, uma outra formação, para homens (homens cis, homens trans, não-binários e qualquer pessoa que se identifique no espectro masculino).
Registe-se aqui:
Qualquer dúvida entre em contato com Jules [email protected]